Slide Background
Slide Background

Inner State, Inc is a pre-clinical biotech company specializing in psychedelic producing fungi for drug discovery focused on enhancing women’s health and well-being.

Inner State’s Company Mission & Overview

setting a solid foundation for growth and leadership in psychedelic biotech elevating women’s health and wellness.

Researching Women’s
Health is Harm Reduction

· Hormonal Fluctuations of Women’s Cycle Impact the brain structure
· Stronger side-to-side connections
· Optimized for intuitive thinking
· More grey matter


· Significant implications for developing personalized sex-specific biomarkers in psychiatric and neurological disorder
· Twice as likely to have depression
· Twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease (in the U.S.)
· Four times more likely to develop multiple sclerosis
· More likely to have a stroke

Investments addressing the women’s health gap ads years to life and life to years – and boost global economy by $1 Trillion annual by 2040*

*Mckinsey & Company

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